On May 6th Ms. Cecilia Kiew, representing KOPRA Korea, gave us information about internship searching with KOPRA..
Where is KOPRA office in the world?
KOPRA have many branches in the world. The head office is in Duisburg of Germany.
Other offices are Wien, Shaghai, Taipei, Tokyo and Seoul. Seoul office is located in Namsan.
How operating KOPRA?
KOPRA is a nonprofit organization. Stifung Mercator, an encouragement of learning foundation of Germany, support the KOPRA financially. So KOPRA is maintained with donation. Also KOPRA operate by income business. By way of example selling T-shirts.
Broad overview of KOPRA
Based on discussions with representatives of German companies in Tokyo, 1994. KOPRA is presented to the public as an internet project and set up the first KOPRA-Homepage, 1996. The first "KOPRA-intern", Mr.Michael Ladach, a student at Duisburg University sets up the new KOPRA office Tokyo, 1997. KOPRA is founded as a non-profit organization under German law, 1998.
The first KOPRA meetings for German interns in Seoul and Taipei take place, 2004.
What does KOPRA work?
KOPRA is the abbreviation of the German term "KOordinationsstelle fuer PRAktika" (International Internship Platform). It is the main idea to exchage intern and internship. It offers internship informaion for international internship suppliers and candidates on the website, www.kopra.org. The service ist free for both companies and students. Also, it provides language contacts in English, German, Korean, Chinese and Japanese. Through this connection, interns offer valuable contribution to the foreign companies and the companies can obtain human resources. Add to this, it helps to promote mutual understanding between Europe and the region of East Asia.
On May 6th Ms. Cecilia Kiew came to presentation about KOPRA.
She is from Singapore and now as an intern working on KOPRA Korea.
She explained history, business of KOPRA as well as other activies what she did.
It was comfortable and enjoyful in progress.
We asked some question to her.
The question was : Can we find internships only connect with Germany on KOPRA?
Many korean people don't know about KOPRA so, what is your plan to advertise?
And they have meeting once a month and has plans to renewal homepage.
It was really good time to share information about KOPRA.
It was interesting but she spoke too quickly.
AntwortenLöschenI got an useful information in a website.
It help us a various intern experience.
Definitely 'KOPRA' is useful as she mentioned.
AntwortenLöschenBut many people doesn't know about this.
Although they have only web-site and small community, i think they have much-power inside.
The problem is 'How to make better to spread out'
seungyeon Lee, German Department